22@ a time

Transitional urban development


In the last two decades, cities have shaped socio-technical transitions as urban responses to climate change. Changing the urban system towards one that is sustainable requires adaptive, inclusive and participatory planning. We believe that static proposals are one of the problems in urban planning, specifically in regeneration projects. Therefore, "22 @a Time" aims to introduce a process to achieve an intelligent urban design instead of proposing a closed and definitive solution. The idea has been formed from the concepts of urban transformation, self-sufficient urbanism and "placemaking". The objective is to establish a transformation process through enabling infrastructures (hubs) and the involvement of citizens to face the environmental, economic and housing crisis that Barcelona is suffering.

The different elements are gradually brought together through a process of co-design and co- management. Therefore, the first step of the proposal is to establish a center to communicate the design process to stakeholders, called CoCo House (Center for Co-design and Co-management). From here, a group of experts will propose the planning and design strategies to be carried out to later adapt them together with the involvement of the community through a more bottom-up approach. The other hubs and elements introduced in the proposal will promote solutions that not only improve the quality of life of the community, but also lead to a reduction in energy use and lower greenhouse gas emissions in areas that include urban metabolism (renewable energy production, waste management...) mobility, and also actions that improve the quality of life and economic sustainability.

The main documents that have been used as a basis to define the proposal have been the following:

  • Barcelona Climate Emergency Declaration that defines various thematic axes for urban models to fight the climate crisi.
  • Climate Plan and its actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and increase urban greenery.
  • Pact towards a Poblenou with a more inclusive and sustainable 22@ to understand the main actions that will define the development of 22@in the coming years.

Similarly, other documents and plans have been considered to align the solutions with the municipal reality: the results of the participatory process "Let's rethink 22@", the document "Criteria for the development of a Poblenou with a more inclusive and sustainable 22@", the "Plan of uses of Ciutat Vella", the "Catalog of industrial heritage of Poblenou", the Sant Martí Superblocks plan and the Mechanism for Sustainable Energy (MES Barcelona)9

Fig. 1 - Policies, strategies and documents consulted


This proposal proposes a model of gradual transformation, where the collaboration between public actors and citizens represent the main bolt. The main elements of this transition model are based on:

  • A system of hubs that promote and lead the deployment of solutions in cooperation with the public.
  • A catalog of solutions classified into 4 main categories
  • The architectural form and the adaptive densification process

1. Hub system

The transition model requires hubs capable of generating transformation and co-management dynamics by adding different actors: citizens, the public sector, private companies, associations, among others. Each hub is capable of operating independently, but collaboration between them will enable a circular system to be activated that represents the basis for a sustainable community.

  • CoCo House (Center for Co-design and Co-management)
  • Manufacturing Athenaeum (Makers)
  • Micro-platform for last-mile delivery
  • Shared storage system (same space as the microplatform)
  • Green hub
  • On-site construction workshops

Fig. 2 - Network of hubs

2. Catalogue of solutions

The transition towards the development of an environmentally friendly and inclusive city is based on the implementation of a catalog of solutions categorized according to the phase of the project in which they are implemented and the objective they intend to achieve.

Fig. 3 - Catalogue of actions

This catalog of solutions is based on four main values:

  • Connectivity: there are interrelated solutions that can be activated only after having implemented some other previous solutions. This sequentiality marks a development rhythm that allows connecting different solutions and therefore different actors.
  • Adaptability: taking into account the connectivity between solutions, the catalog allows a development rhythm that adapts to the opportunities and constraints that may appear (lack of involvement of agents, new need for space ...). This characteristic allows increasing the resilience of the project, by not depending on a marked and closed plan to a specific physical result, but can activate different solutions and can adapt its development rhythm without stopping the transformation process.
  • Co-management:: solutions are based on the progressive involvement of the community, moving from a first phase led by public agents and progressively transferring the leading role to the community. Thus, the implementation of a solution will be a shared decision, which will allow combining technical with local knowledge.
  • Experimentation:: the innovation of this transformation model focused on the transition (or process) beyond a closed result offers an opportunity for experimentation towards the creation of a new empirically tested redevelopment process. Therefore, it foresees continuous learning that will allow solutions to be adapted and implemented more efficiently and adjusted to each context and moment.

3. Experimentation and development

Architectural form

One of the main design strategies in our proposal is the use of modular and circular structures that allow the adaptive and customizable design of spaces, which also coincides with the transition process that requires spaces that can be adjusted and transformed. This approach allows the use of the same units in different aggregations and for different uses depending on the needs of each phase of the transition process. For example, initially, the units can be used as temporary spaces to house pop-ups, small-scale services and housing units. At a later stage, these units can acquire new uses.

Following the principles of the Circular Economy for the built environment and inspired by Arup's Circular Building design approach. We propose a circular and modular structure for the architectural form of the modular structures, which can be placed in the scope of the project for multiple functions during the transformation phases. These modules can be used to provide the physical platform for commercial, residential and public units. For example, cubes can be used to activate borders, urban farms, units within crafting spaces, etc.

Fig. 4 - Pace layering

The design layer framework is based on the Circular Building framework as mentioned below. In addition, the connection of the different layers with each hub is explained to exemplify how each hub allows the circular production of modular structures at the local level.

  • On-site Construction Workshop provides space for fabrication of frame, skin, and spatial plane.
  • The Manufacturing Athenaeum can produce the Stuff layer.
  • Within the Athenaeum, a resource center can be established that can provide selective demolition materials to be used in the construction of circular modular structures. Also, materials like plastic, paper, etc. of residential and commercial waste could also be considered when producing the Stuff layer.

Social housing

Accessible housing for all citizens is a constitutional right. It is one of the duties of every public administration to guarantee adequate housing with the highest functional, material and architectural quality, with greater involvement at the local level. Barcelona is highly committed to these duties, as evidenced by the high rate of construction of the Barcelona City Council in this mandate. The 22@ represents an opportunity to address the problem of affordable housing, as shown by future plans for the area in the area of housing, as shown by 30% of the new construction in the 22@ District of Barcelona that is expected to be used for social housing.

The modular design strategy improves the implementation of this social housing policy in the area by adding a circular component that allows addressing the tension between affordability and sustainability of social housing development. The other benefit of this model is the possibility of growth of the housing units. Units may initially provide standard housing and then residents may have the opportunity to expand their unit over time. This allows planning the appropriate density based on the city's vision for the area and also the needs of the residents.

On the other hand, circular social housing allows efficiency in the use of resources (for example energy and water), since the on-site construction center supports the manufacture of some parts of the units on a local scale. This local factor promotes a greater potential for social acceptance for the surrounding community, since the units can be produced locally and with the contribution of the community within the different centers.

Phases of the project

Considering the needs of the construction process and the densification strategy, the transition model proposes to be implemented in an approximate period of 6 years, always depending on the ability to generate the necessary dynamics that allow consolidating each phase before moving on to the next phase.

  • Phase 1 - Activation (0 to 2 years)

    The objective of this phase is the generation of public space and its activation through the opening of Calle de Bolivia to Calle Josep Pla and cooperating with establishments and neighbors to activate establishments. This stage also includes the rehabilitation of the old Colores Hispania factory (currently in disuse and part of the catalog of industrial heritage of Poblenou to be protected) to establish the Co-design and Co-management Center (CoCo House).

  • Phase 2 - Expansion (1.5 to 5 years)

    In this phase, it is proposed to activate various hubs to start promoting the assets of the area and begin to build a more sustainable community. In the same way, the area will begin to densify, adding new housing units (both social and free) and associated services to ensure that residents can find themselves in the area. The use of modular structures will be one of the main strategies to promote sustainable and circular construction.

  • Phase 3 - Consolidation (4 to 6 years)

    Greater leadership on the part of citizens and greater development of the different hubs is expected, which in this phase will begin to connect with municipal actors and networks, finishing integrating the transformed area into urban dynamics on a larger scale.

Fig. 5 - Phases of the transition model


The definition of KPIs is the first step to be able to obtain a clear and measurable transition process. The definition of these objectives makes it possible to assess the development of the transformation process and, at the same time, to bring together actions with common objectives, favoring the emergence of synergies between different actors.

Every action proposed in our catalog addresses individually or jointly the objective of reducing greenhouse gas emissions and improving the quality of life of current and future residents of the study area.

It is possible to find a more extensive report regarding the final results of the social and environmental impact of the project in the attached annex, but it is important to understand how through the following methodology our list of proposed actions has been categorized according to their impact on a A certain socio-environmental factor, in turn addressed in the list of 10 principles proposed as a guide in the development of the project by the Arup office.

Fig. 6 - Relationship between solutions and the 10 challenges posed


The proposed transformation model aims to create a new centrality in the Sant Martí District, aligning the different hubs and solutions to the different plans, strategies and projects of the Barcelona City Council. Especially the Barcelona Green Deal11, and its strategy for 22@, represents a good indication in relation to the possibility that the new centrality will end up materializing. Regardless of the impact that the new centrality may have, the same transition model presents two useful innovative elements for the development of future transformation projects: the generation of an equipment incubator and a participatory citizen experience limited in time and space.

With regard to the incubator, each hub will have a well-defined objective and a series of agents that will allow its growth oriented and accompanied. As each hub reaches a certain maturity, it will become a new facility for the city or will be added to an existing facility. For example, the CoCoHouse could become a space attached to the Casal de Barrio de “Casal Ca l'Isidre” or it could be the seed for the creation of a new creative and local project such as the Palo Alto Market. In the case of the Sant Martí Manufacturing Athenaeum, from the beginning it would already be established as an asset for the entire district, following the model of the rest of the manufacturing athenaeums, dd, but it will be promoted by actors and specific needs of the transformation zone.

Regarding the participatory experience, the involvement of the community in projects at such a close scale will allow them to see the real impact of their decisions, thus being aware of the value of their decisions and involvement. This element is crucial to promote a real and extended participation to a greater number of citizens, encouraging their involvement and thus generating a virtuous circle of participation and co-management.

To conclude, we consider that this proposal can generate a new city model focused on co-design and co-management, which favors citizen involvement in the transformation and management of their own community. The result of this transformative dynamic is an inclusive city, since every citizen can be involved in making and acting decisions, adaptable to the needs and opportunities that appear and that they want to prioritize, and robust, since it is based on a catalog of solutions, a network of hubs and a well-defined phase system. The implementation of this innovative model is aligned with the 22@tradition of innovation and may represent a new urban concept that reaffirms Barcelona's status as the capital of urban planning and a benchmark in the development of more sustainable and inclusive cities.

22@ a time is the winning project of the C40 Students Reinventing Cities competition for the 22@ Innovation District of Barcelona together with Alvaro Cerezo Carrizo, Marta Galdys, Íñigo Estaban Marina, Leyla Saadi, Nadh Ha Naseer from the Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia and Mahsa Nikoufar from the Edinburgh Napier University, having as advisor Mathilde Marengo from the Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia