I am Riccardo Palazzolo Henkes
Welcome to this website, where you can find out more
about my work, my research projects and myself.

About [free] time
Linking time-uses and uses of spaces

New Hong Kong
Running simulations for a new city

Interaction evaluation tool
Social interaction in COVID time

Flatten the curve
A new energy exchange approach

Leisure Open Space Reclamation

A new circular micro-district

Densities of the 22@
Density analysis of an innovation distric
About Me
My name is Riccardo Palazzolo Henkes and I am an Urban Researcher and Consultant.
I hold a Master in City and Technology from the IAAC - Institute of Advanced Architecture of Catalonia accredited through the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya and an MSc in Urban Management and Development from the IHS - Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies at the Erasmus University Rotterdam.
My research interests are focusing on data, urban regeneration, innovation policies, smart cities, and sustainable development.
You can find my CV here: Resume